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Engineer - New Generation Manufacturing Technologies, | Koç Kariyerim



What awaits you in this role?


We are looking for a passionate Engineer-New Generation Manufacturing Technologies who will join our team at Production Technologies Directorate in Beko Corporate.


  • Collaborate actively and effectively with all Beko Facilities and Business Owners,
  • Lead and/or participate in the “AI Driven Adaptive Control of Sheet Metal Forming Process” project, Process Modelling & Analyzing, and Data Analytics projects to ensure project objectives are achieved,
  • Lead and support the dissemination of the project across different production plants,
  • Improve manufacturing processes by evaluating new value-added technological alternatives and building related scenarios,
  • Work closely with business translators and powerful automation teams, ensuring high visibility across all functions,
  • Collaborate with local/global consultants and universities,
  • Gain new competencies by experiencing new technologies at Atölye 4.0 - Beko.



This position is located in Çayırova / İstanbul.




How do we describe the perfect match?


  • Bachelor's or Master's degree in Mechanical or Mechatronics Engineering department, or  graduation candidate at Senior(4th) year,
  • Strong analytical and quantitative problem-solving ability,
  • Proficient in one or more programming languages such as Java, C++, Python, JavaScript,
  • Excellent verbal and written skills in English,
  • Following and adapting the market trends and new technologies,
  • Outside the box thinking ability,
  • Open to innovation culture,
  • Flexible and open to new perspectives,
  • A great team player with a self-initiative mindset.



İlan Sorumlusu

Asli Gokce

Beko Engineer - New Generation Manufacturing Technologies iş ilanı için başvuru yapmak ve Koç Grubu bünyesinde daha fazla iş ilanını görmek için sitemizi ziyaret edin. Kariyerinize Koç Kariyerim ayrıcalığı ile yön verin.

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Koç Kariyerim bu tarayıcı ile çalışamıyor.

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