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Life Safety Project Assistant, İstanbul | Koç Kariyerim

İstanbul, Türkiye


•We are looking for talents who are preferably 4th year, graduate or recent graduate in Engineering departments of universities,
•Will be able to work with us minimum 4 days a week,
•Strong communication skills, result-oriented and open to personal development,
•Eager to learn different technologies and integrations,
•Proactive in work follow-up, successful in documentation and reporting,
•Good oral and written communication skills in English,
•With strong cognitive and critical thinking skills.


•Supporting the team in monitoring compliance with occupational health and safety legal requirements,
•Supporting the operations carried out within the scope of occupational health and safety and to ensure the completion of technical and functional documentation,
•Monitoring the changes in the Occupational Health and Safety Law and related regulations, Labor Law and Social Security Institution (SGK) legislation and conducting legislative research,
•Communicating with contractors and subcontractors with regard to Occupational Health and Safety when necessary,
•Collect monthly OHS data from facilities,
•Monitoring OHS performance indicators of facilities,
•Creating content for the monthly newsletter,
•Supporting ISO internal and external audits.

By joining us;

•We operate in the fast-evolving and growing energy sector. By joining Entek, a dynamic and expanding company in the sector, you can gain diverse experiences.
•You can network within the Koç Group and participate in various working groups.
•You will have continuous learning and development opportunities through technical, leadership, and personal development training programs, which are industry-leading and help you specialize in your field.
•By participating in agile projects that align with your interests, you can get to know various functions and develop different competencies.
•You will have the opportunity to work in a dynamic, diverse, collaborative, talented, and high-performing team.
•You can benefit from individual mentoring and consultancy support with our development tools.
•We care about the mental and physical well-being of our employees. You can take advantage of our online psychologist and dietitian services.
•With the Entek x Flexibility project, we provide our colleagues a hybrid working model and flexible working hours.


İlan Sorumlusu

Cemile İskefiyeli - İnsan, Kültür ve Dönüşüm Proje Asistanı

İstanbul Entek Life Safety Project Assistant iş ilanı için başvuru yapmak ve Koç Grubu bünyesinde daha fazla iş ilanını görmek için sitemizi ziyaret edin. Kariyerinize Koç Kariyerim ayrıcalığı ile yön verin.

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